Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 weeks!

So I will be 30 weeks as of tomorrow. It is really starting to go so fast and I have soooo much to do. The shower is two weeks from Saturday so I feel like that will be a good step in the right direction. I can't wait to see everyone, most of whom I haven't seen since the wedding! After that I will have a better idea of the rest of the stuff I need to buy. I can't believe next week will be the 2 month count down. And that's if she isn't early!

As you can see I am getting more of a belly. I had to buy some bigger shirts as well as some maternity shirts and I actually look pregnant in most of them now! Although I don't think strangers can always tell yet. I bought a six pack beer for Caleb at the store the other day and ping pong balls (For Horatio, haha) and the bagger asked if we were having a party. So apparently I didn't look very pregnant to her.

My next doctor appointment is on Monday. Probably just going to be another check up. After that I have to start going every two weeks.

Not much else is going on. I haven't had too much pregnancy related stuff going on, but I know that is probably going to change any day now. I can't wait until the shower!

Monday, February 7, 2011

New week and Doctor appointment

I had a doctor appointment this morning with a different doctor then my usual (who is on maternity leave!). I had to wait for forever but she was really nice. I am measuring exactly on schedule and only gained 3 pounds (yay!!) plus she said I have no swelling and my tests results were great. I ask her about a birth plan and she said to go ahead and do one for one of the doctors in the office to look over so that I can have it to hand to the nurse when I go into labor. I don't really need a whole "plan" mainly I just want to go as natural as possible for as long as possible and make sure there is a warm shower available for me! Lol.

I need to start counting baby kicks every day now, at least 10 in 1-2 hours. I started this morning when we got back from the doctor and she moved 10 times in about 3 minutes sooooo it shouldn't be a problem. Plus from now on I have to go to the doctor every two weeks for about 8 weeks and then every week after that.

In other news, Caleb is sick :( I think he has the flu or maybe a stomach bug. I hope he feels better soon, he always works when he is sick and I feel like he isn't resting enough. I have my flu shot but I hope I don't catch anything from him.

I think I am going to watch the Shining miniseries today. I read the book and saw the movie but from what I have heard the miniseries is still really good and much closer to the book. We shall see...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Belly pictures

 19 weeks
 27.5 weeks
27.5 weeks from the front

I swear I feel 10x bigger then in the pictures from this week (27.5 weeks) In the pictures I just look more thick but I feel like I am huge! Haha. Anyways, I just wanted to post these for a comparison!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Harlow ultrasound pictures

 Harlow at 12 weeks
 Harlow's face at 20 weeks. She looks like an alien!
 Cute little feetsies at 20 weeks.
This is the position she was in almost the whole ultrasound. Nice spine view but we didn't get any good face pics :( This one is also at 20 weeks during her full anatomy and gender scan.


Hi family and friends! This is just a place for people to read about whats going on with Caleb, baby Harlow and I. I am starting this right around the beginning of my third trimester of pregnancy with Harlow. Now is the time where things start getting really interesting! This will just be a place the I write about family events as a kind of personal account of our lives that we can go back and revisit any time and also for a way for people to keep up with my rantings and experiences. So enjoy!

So today I am 27 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My third trimester started this past Thursday and my due date is still right on May 5th. Cinco de Mayo! In honor of her due date and Caleb's family's heritage we are going to have a fiesta baby shower :) on March 12th. I have a doctor appointment on Monday and I am really hoping that we can see her on an ultrasound. I haven't seen her in 8 weeks, which will be the longest I have gone without seeing some kind of view of her.  But we'll see. She has been moving a lot more at night the last few days and I can feel her movements a lot higher now.

Last weekend I got to finally go through all of the baby stuff that a friend of the family gave us. We now have the most ADORABLE clothes for her all the way through nine months :) Now I just have to force myself to wait until after the shower to buy anything. We did get her a really cute pair of converse today from Target though for 3-6 months. They were too cute to pass up.

Last week was Caleb's 23rd birthday. We did all kinds of stuff, it was awesome! He got to go to this huge outdoor shooting range (by himself unfortunately, before I was pregnant I used to go with him) and had a great time. Then we went to a full seafood dinner on his actual birthday (the 26th). This was the first time I had ever ordered crab legs!! Then over the weekend we went to Medieval Times (courtesy of my parents) where our knight won at the tournament :D and the next night we went to Morton's Steakhouse (courtesy of Caleb's brother Joshua). All in all a pretty amazing birthday for Caleb.

I will update more after the weekend and the doc appointment Monday, until then I will try to do a post with all of Harlow's ultrasound pictures.