Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 weeks!

So I will be 30 weeks as of tomorrow. It is really starting to go so fast and I have soooo much to do. The shower is two weeks from Saturday so I feel like that will be a good step in the right direction. I can't wait to see everyone, most of whom I haven't seen since the wedding! After that I will have a better idea of the rest of the stuff I need to buy. I can't believe next week will be the 2 month count down. And that's if she isn't early!

As you can see I am getting more of a belly. I had to buy some bigger shirts as well as some maternity shirts and I actually look pregnant in most of them now! Although I don't think strangers can always tell yet. I bought a six pack beer for Caleb at the store the other day and ping pong balls (For Horatio, haha) and the bagger asked if we were having a party. So apparently I didn't look very pregnant to her.

My next doctor appointment is on Monday. Probably just going to be another check up. After that I have to start going every two weeks.

Not much else is going on. I haven't had too much pregnancy related stuff going on, but I know that is probably going to change any day now. I can't wait until the shower!

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