Monday, February 7, 2011

New week and Doctor appointment

I had a doctor appointment this morning with a different doctor then my usual (who is on maternity leave!). I had to wait for forever but she was really nice. I am measuring exactly on schedule and only gained 3 pounds (yay!!) plus she said I have no swelling and my tests results were great. I ask her about a birth plan and she said to go ahead and do one for one of the doctors in the office to look over so that I can have it to hand to the nurse when I go into labor. I don't really need a whole "plan" mainly I just want to go as natural as possible for as long as possible and make sure there is a warm shower available for me! Lol.

I need to start counting baby kicks every day now, at least 10 in 1-2 hours. I started this morning when we got back from the doctor and she moved 10 times in about 3 minutes sooooo it shouldn't be a problem. Plus from now on I have to go to the doctor every two weeks for about 8 weeks and then every week after that.

In other news, Caleb is sick :( I think he has the flu or maybe a stomach bug. I hope he feels better soon, he always works when he is sick and I feel like he isn't resting enough. I have my flu shot but I hope I don't catch anything from him.

I think I am going to watch the Shining miniseries today. I read the book and saw the movie but from what I have heard the miniseries is still really good and much closer to the book. We shall see...

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